Programming in C#
Lab 5
At the end of this session, you will able to understand:
Part I: Getting started (60 minutes)
Exercise 1: Using namespace
Step 1: Open Visual Studio
Step 2: Select the menu File->New->Project to create console based project named ‘Namespace’ and Solution named Session05 as following
Step 3: Rename the class file ‘program.cs‘ to ‘Namespace.cs’
Step 4: Replace code in ‘Namespace.cs’ with given code
using System;
using Customer;
using Order;
namespace Customer
class Cust_details
public string strName;
public void getName()
Console.WriteLine("Enter your name :");
strName = Console.ReadLine();
namespace Order
class Grocery_items
public void Ord_grocery()
Cust_details objCust1 = new Cust_details();
Console.WriteLine("Hello {0}", objCust1.strName);
Console.WriteLine("You have ordered grocery items");
class Bakery_items
public void Ord_bakery()
Cust_details objCust2 = new Cust_details();
Console.WriteLine("Hello {0}", objCust2.strName);
Console.WriteLine("You have ordered bakery items");
class OrderTest
public static void Main()
string choice;
Console.WriteLine("What would you like to order? 1-Grocery Items, 2-Bakery Items");
choice = Console.ReadLine();
if (choice == "1")
Grocery_items objGrocery = new Grocery_items();
if (choice == "2")
Bakery_items objBakery = new Bakery_items();
Console.WriteLine("Enter either 1 or 2");
Step 5: Select menu File -> Save to save the file
Step 6: Select Build -> Build ‘Namespace.cs’ option to build the project
Step 7: Select Debug -> Start without Debuging to execute the program
The output of the program as following
Exercise 2: Exception Handling
Step 1: Add a console based project ‘ExHandling1’ to the solution
Step 2: Right click on project ‘ExHandling1’ -> set as Startup project
Step 3: Rename the class file ‘Program.cs’ to ‘ExHandling1.cs’
Step 4: Replace the code in ‘ExHandling1.cs’ with the given code
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace Bai05
class Vidu1
static void Main(string[] args)
byte[] a = new byte[5];
//nhap mang
for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
Console.WriteLine("a[{0}]=", i + 1);
a[i] = Convert.ToByte(Console.ReadLine());
catch (FormatException ex)
Console.WriteLine("Khong duoc nhap ki tu cho mang so");
catch (OverflowException ex)
Console.WriteLine("Khong duoc nhap gia tri nam ngoai mien 0-255");
catch (IndexOutOfRangeException ex)
Console.WriteLine("Loi vuot qua pham vi cua mang");
//in mang
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
Console.Write(" {0}", a[i]);
Step 5: Select menu File -> Save to save the file
Step 6: Select Build -> Build ‘ExHandling1’ option to build the project
Step 7: Select Debug -> Start without Debuging to execute the program
The output of program as following
Exercise 3: Write a program to accept a number and print multiplication table of that number. Use exception handling to ensure that user enters only numeric values and the number entered is greater than zero.
Step 1: Add a console based project ‘ExHandling2’ to the solution
Step 2: Right click on project ‘ExHandling2’ -> set as Startup project
Step 3: Rename the class file ‘Program.cs’ to ‘ExHandling1.cs’
Step 4: Replace the code in ‘ExHandling2.cs’ with the given code
using System;
public class InvalidInput : ApplicationException
public InvalidInput()
: base("Enter a number greater than Zero"){}
class TestExcep
public static void Main()
int intCnt;
int intNum = 0;
Console.WriteLine("Enter a number :");
intNum = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
if (intNum <= 0)
throw new InvalidInput();
catch (InvalidInput objInvalidInput)
catch (System.FormatException objFormatException)
if (intNum > 0)
for (intCnt = 1; intCnt <= 10; intCnt++)
Console.WriteLine(intCnt * intNum);
Step 5: Select menu File -> Save to save the file
Step 6: Select Build -> Build ‘ExHandling2’ option to build the project
Step 7: Select Debug -> Start without Debuging to execute the program
The output of program as following
Exercise 4: Throw statement
Step 1: Add a console based project ‘ExHandling3’ to the solution
Step 2: Right click on project ‘ExHandling3’ -> set as Startup project
Step 3: Rename the class file ‘Program.cs’ to ‘ExHandling1.cs’
Step 4: Replace the code in ‘ExHandling3.cs’ with the given code
using System;
class MainClass
public static int AnExceptionFunction(int value)
if (value == 0) // Can't divide by zero
throw new DivideByZeroException("Divide By 0 error!");
int x = 20 / value;
return x;
public static void Main()
int value = 0;
value = AnExceptionFunction(10); // This works ok
Console.WriteLine("Value = {0}", value);
AnExceptionFunction(0); // This doesn't
Console.WriteLine("Value = {0}", value);
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("Caught an exception {0}. Continuing", e);
Step 5: Select menu File -> Save to save the file
Step 6: Select Build -> Build ‘ExHandling3’ option to build the project
Step 7: Select Debug -> Start without Debuging to execute the program
The output of program as following
Exercise 5: Finally statement
Step 1: Add a console based project ‘FinallyStmt’ to the solution
Step 2: Right click on project ‘FinallyStmt -> set as Startup project
Step 3: Rename the class file ‘Program.cs’ to ‘FinallyStmt.cs’
Step 4: Replace the code in ‘FinallyStmt.cs’ with the given code
using System;
using System.IO;
class FinallyDemo
static void Main(string[] args)
FileStream outStream = null;
FileStream inStream = null;
//mo file de ghi du lieu
outStream = File.OpenWrite("DestinationFile.txt");
//mo file de doc du lieu
inStream = File.OpenRead("BogusInputFile.txt");
//cac cau lenh doc du lieu tu file
catch (Exception ex)
if (outStream != null)
Console.WriteLine("outStream closed.");
if (inStream != null)
Console.WriteLine("inStream closed.");
The output of program as following
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